
All data presented here are drawn from the most recently available years of the U.S. Department of Education's EDFacts Initiative unless otherwise noted. Click here to learn more about the EDFacts Initiative.


Kate Ulmer

Principal Consultant

Center Wellness Department

Illinois State Board of Education

100 North First St.

Springfield, IL 62777

Phone: (217) 782-5270



Website: Illinois Department of Education EHCY Program


Total number of Local Education Agencies (LEAs) in this state: 1,033
Number of LEAs receiving McKinney‐Vento subgrants: 1,033
Total students enrolled in LEAs: 1,868,482
Percentage of enrolled students who are homeless: 2.6%
Percentage of all people in the state who are below the poverty level1: 10.7%
Percentage of people under 18 years old in the state who are below the poverty level1: 13.6%

       1 Source: US Census Bureau, Current Population Survey,
2021 Annual Social and Economic Supplement

Subgroups of Homeless Children/Youth

Number of homeless children/youth enrolled in public schools who are:

Subgroup TypeSY 2019-2020SY 2020-2021SY 2021-2022
Children with disabilities (IDEA)10,0408,4789,717
Limited English Proficient (LEP) students4,3673,8636,204
Migratory children/youth233446
Unaccompanied homeless youth4,3383,5694,482

Note: These subgroups are not mutually exclusive. It is possible for homeless students to be counted in more than one subgroup.

3 Year Percentage Point Change Housing
 Doubled‐up (e.g., living with another family)
 Shelters, transitional housing
 Unsheltered (e.g., cars, parks,campgrounds, temporary trailer, or abandoned building)
3 Year Percentage Point Change Housing
 Doubled‐up (e.g., living with another family)
 Shelters, transitional housing
 Unsheltered (e.g., cars, parks,campgrounds, temporary trailer, or abandoned building)

Additional State Data Notes:

Primary nighttime residence was not reported for all students. (SYs 18-19 and 19-20)

Provided residence data from more UHY than were enrolled in school (SY 19-20)

Student counts may contain duplicates (SY 20-21)

Summary Sheets and Additional Data:

  • Download data from Section 1.9 of the Consolidated State Performance Reports for the state using the drop‐down box.

    Note: Before SY2010‐2011, reading and mathematics assessment data were only collected for students served in LEAs with McKinney‐Vento subgrants. As of SY2010‐2011, these data are now collected for all students enrolled in all LEAs. Enrollment figures prior to SY 2010‐2011 are not comparable to those after and including SY 2010‐2011.
    Note: Figures in these Summary Sheets are based on LEA‐reported data and contain duplicates. These figures may not match the figures presented here.

  • Save as a .PDF report or send to the printer the data presented on this page.
  • Download a spreadsheet of McKinney‐Vento Education for Homeless Children and Youth Actual State Funding Allocations by year for all states.
  • Click here to go to the U.S. Department of Education's webpage for State Tables of agency program fund allocations.


Number of Homeless Children/Youth Enrolled in Public School by Year
SY 2018 - 2019 SY 2019 - 2020 SY 2020 - 2021
47,445 36,898

Note: Includes all enrolled homeless children and youth in grades PK through 12. COVID-19 operations impacted the identification of eligible students. Please use the data with caution.

Percentage of homeless children/youth enrolled in public schools by type of primary nighttime residence
Shelters, transitional housing Doubled‐up (e.g., living with another family) Unsheltered (e.g., cars, parks,campgrounds, temporary trailer, or abandoned building) Hotels/Motels
SY 2018 - 2019 % % % %
SY 2019 - 2020 9.3% 85.8% 0.7% 4.2%
SY 2020 - 2021 7.5% 87% 0.7% 4.7%